
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3149
21st May 2023
Windsurfing: Wrabness Wind Direction: NE Wind Stength: 5/15 Surf / Sea State: smooth Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: cloudy Max Speed: 19.36 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 28.75 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Sunday 21st May - Windsurf ** The River Stour at Wrabness - cloudy.
Foil - 19.36 knot max, 17.89 knot ave, 6.01 knot hour, 15.32 knot mile,
38.06 km., 13.52 knot alpha.
Starboard Freeride 150 and an Evolution Freeride foil with a Sailworks
Retro 7.5.
After yesterday?s session on the Stour, a tad gusty so not the best I was
not sure about today as its another 52 mile round trip but Jason messaged
saying there was white horses in Harkstead bay and with the sun out it was
too good an opportunity to miss. We left an hour later today by which time
it had sadly clouded over, when we arrived Jason was ready to set off on
his foil with 5.8 but it did not look very windy out on the water? I set up
my foil by which time Jason was out and not going great with the small sail
so I rigged my 7.5 which luckily, I put on the van this morning. Out on the
water I thought it was going to be a good day as I whizzed down past
Bradfield, in fact that was my best mile of the day. Sadly, that was short
lived and I spent the rest of the session playing hunt the gust, I am not a
fan of marginal foiling days where you have to pump up, even the two foil
racers out were underpowered with 9m! I did have some long flying runs but
there was also a lot of floundering about, I made it well past Wrabness and
had a nice run back but after nearly 3 hours on the water it was time to
call it a day, not my best weekend on the Stour, maybe enough to foil
tomorrow with the wind from the north but will make my mind up in the
Back at the van I had a cuppa and lunch, hearing about Mags day, she did a
long 4.26 mile walk down to Bradfeild and back through the nature reserve.
Sods law the sun came out on the way home, we saw buzzards too as well as a
kite this morning flying over a dead hedgehog in the road!
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